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Turistille vuokraus on hankala operaatio, eikä lupa ole suinkaan se ainoa ongelma:
A private residential villa that is not part of a community cannot be commercially exploited without being in possession of its own individual licence. Each property let commercially must have its own licence.
The application for licences for private residential villas also requires, as a prerequisite, the correct land classification in the PGO of the local Ayuntamiento.
The biggest problem in such rentals, AND in rentals of apartments as well, is actually insurance. Claim for an injury could seriously outweigh the amount of any potential fine. However rare it might be, an insurance claim could run into millions. The problem is that hotel insurance would be invalid if taken out on a property that is not a hotel, and commercial insurance policies will not be valid if claimed upon for properties that are being illegally used for commercial purposes. Even if an insurance company issues a policy and takes payment for the policy, it will not be valid if the property is being let illegally.
Eli vuokraustoimintaa verten tarvitset luvan, vakuutuksen sekä alueenvirallisen vuokravälittäjän.
Täsät voi nopeasti arvioida, ettei yden asunnon vuokraus turisteille liene kannattavaa.