HP:n tuotteet


Ei kirjautuneena
Liittynyt: 10.07.2006
Kirjoituksia: 122
Vastauksia: 535

En tiedä läppäreistä, mutta ostin samalla kertaa kaksi HP:n printteriä: ensimmäisen ja viimeisen.

Ohessa on reklamaatio, jonka lähetin HP:lle – eivät ikinä vaivautuneet vastaamaan kirjallisesti. Sieltä soitti tekninen kaveri, joka kertoi, että hänellä itselläänkin on ongelmia Windows Vistan kanssa eli että tuote ei oikein toimi Vistassa…… ja hän on joutunut itse jopa rakentamaan käyttiksen muutaman kerran uudestaan samasta syystä. Eli suutarin lapsen kengät ovat yhtä huonot. Kysyin, tuleeko sieltä Vista-yhteensopivaa ja muutoinkin siistittyä versiota lähituleviasuudessa? Samasta ohjelmasta tulee kuulemma vain hieman korjailtu versio…

Uusi laite jäi näinollen käyttämättömänä nurkkaan ja en enää viitsi edes yrittää vaikka toisivat uusia softaversiota markkinoille – teknisen kaverin kommentit eivät ollet rohkaisevia. Jos joku HP:n pamppu lukee tämän, ohesta löytyy faktat casenumeroa myöten.

Mulla on nyt vastaava Canon MP970 tuote ja se toimii loistavasti ilman mitään ongelmia myös Vistassa.


Reclamation 22.2.2008

I have written this reclamation about HP Photosmart C6280 All-in-One for many reasons as I am very disappointed what HP product development has created. I appreaciate if the headquarters of HP can give the answer.

I discussed about this subject with my ex-collagues and I heard that they have had similar experiences with HP printer products. How this is possible?

My case:

1. Installation on Vista Business fails totally during the first installation attempt and there is recommendation to reinstall.

2. It took over 30 minutes to install a printer driver and other stuff!!!!!!!! My laptop is Fujitsu-Siemens Celcius H250 with 4Gb memory.

3. The next step was to remove old installation; even it took a lot of time. First time I didn’t notice that even this phase fails and it leaves HP Smart Web Printing still in the machine. Moreover it leaves over 80 invalid entries to the registry!

4. The second installation seems to go ok but…. most of the scanner functions make HP software to stay in “Not responding” status. You can scan something but soon you get this message. If you try to restart the program it doesn’t help – you must restart the whole PC.

5. Next I called to HP Support in Finland. The reason why I called to Finland was that the software got installed in Finnish even if I prefer English. The software doesn’t allow language selection but collects this information from Windows – not the best possible idea. Your support asked to install the software without virus protection and firewall – I did it but exactly same results. Moreover it is shame, if you have to switch protection off just to install printer software.

6. Then after trying to install just one printer/scanner for 6 hours without succeeding (I regard myself still as an IT professional even if I don’t work anymore) I decided to use C6280 only as a printer and copy machine but…..

7. If I close the lid of my laptop and reopen it there are number of HP programs to keep one of the CPUs running all the time:

a. svchost.exe DCOM Server Process Launcher (30% of the total CPU power)
i. WmiPrvSE.exe
ii. vmsecapp.exe
iii. hpswp_clipbook.exe
b. svchost.exe HP CUE Device Discovery Service (20%)
c. svchost.exe HP Network Device Support (2%)
d. hpwuschd2.exe
e. hpqtra08.exe
i. hpqste08.exe

8. As I couldn’t tolerate the situation when I close the lid of my laptop and reopen it and this generates the situation that half of the CPU resources are eaten, I only could uninstall all HP software again… and uninstall HP Smart Web Printing again and remove extra invalid entries form the registry.

So what do I have left? I can use C6280 only as a copy machine!


1. Why do you build a printer installation software which takes half an hour to install even in the best case? This is Anno Domini 2008!!!!

2. Why do you create a monster, which leaves far too many processes to the PC and all this just for printing and scanning? Do you think that printing and scanning are the main tasks of a PC? You have even software to help to buy more ink! Are you serious?

3. Have you ever thought that the software you offer should also get installed nice and easy? No monster can do that. When install fails, your uninstall fails even worse leaving over 80 invalid entries to the registry!

4. Do you plan to deliver decent software in the near future to replace your unworkable solution? If you don’t plan to do it, the only thing I can do is to throw C6280 to the nearest dustbin and to buy a new one from some vendor who respects more the owners of the PCs.

5. When I called again to your support and wanted to make a reclamation, your representative Mirka listened patiently and gave an email address for reclamation. I wanted an address on European level, but she doesn’t know it! I also asked what is her full name and she told that HP doesn’t tell full names as you have got sometimes troubles – heh heh :). Anyhow I think it is very impolite not to introduce with full name.

I bought my C6280 at Marbella/Spain in Boulanger and the price was 199€. The serial numbers found at the bottom: MY7A1286H0, MY7A4H53CD. The problem number 1081268821.

Enclose please find a listing of Advanced Windows Care 2 after removing all HP software… and you should really be ashamed!

You can reach me at my Spanish home if you would like to get more information. I would like to get answer from your product development and please don’t ask me to just contact your support as I have spent total 1 ½ in attempting to use the machine and my time is more valuable than the price of the printer.

Once HP had a slogan “No risc no fun” – now you definitely take a risk and your customers really don’t have fun.

Sincerely yours